Warung Bebas

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Five Most Dangerous Cities in The World

The crime statistics of world's five most dangerous cities are disheartening and shocking. With such high rates of homicide, robberies and violence these cities deservedly bear the names of 'the places of chaos and death' or 'the murder capitals of the world'. Despite the scary data, some of them still remain wanted tourist destinations, though extreme caution is strongly advised when visiting. 

5. Cape Town. South Africa.

62 killings per 100 000 residents

Cape Town.
Crime has been a major problem in South Africa (both for locals and travelers) for many years now, and the murder and robbery statistics loom large in today's society.
The "good" news is that the number of killings declined by 3.4% to around 18 000 (sic!) between April 2008 and March 2009. Still there are 50 murders a day in South Africa. The latest data shows that there have been 71,500 sexual offenses (10% increase), 18,400 burglaries (27% increase), and 13,900 business robberies (41% increase) reported from April 2008 to March 2009. If it's any consolation, the street robbery declined by 7% to 72,194.
Cape Town by night.
The beautifully located Cape Town is among the most dangerous towns in the country due to its high level of robberies, rapes, kidnappings and murders. The city is about the same size as Caracas and it has a murder rate of 62 per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the police, the homicides usually occur in the poorer districts and suburbs of the town rather than in upscale areas. Due to the poverty (the country has been facing a deep recession) the robberies are common. Therefore, traveling alone and using ATM's at night is not advised.

4. New Orleans. The USA. 

95 killings per 100 000 residents

New Orleans, French Quarter.
The homicide rate in New Orleans ranks way above other American cities and towns, and therefore the city has been named the murder capital of the USA. The total number of murders equaled 179 in 2008 in this small city of around 300,000 residents. Nevertheless, there have been 15% fewer killings in 2008 than in 2007 when the police reported 210 murders. Also other crime rates are dropping in the town. Rape went down by 44% and armed robbery 4.85% in 2008 in comparison to 2007.
Downtown New Orleans.
Still, according to the FBI data there have been 95 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2008. In turn New Orleans Police Department reported 67 murders per 100,000 in 2008. A scary comparison has recently been made by the Time magazine stating that Baghdad in Iraq with its murder rate of about 48 per 100,000 people is now being safer, considering the statistics, than New Orleans.
Violent crime is a serious problem especially in the low-income neighborhoods of the town. Lonely Planet advises travelers to New Orleans to be cautious and avoid walks at night, especially if you are alone.

3. Caracas. Venezuela.

130 killings per 100 000 residents

Another unsafe destination among world's most dangerous cities is Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
At the end of 2008 the Foreign Policy magazine called the city "the murder capital of the world". According to the official statistics there have been 130 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2008. Only in December 2008 there were at least 510 people killed in the capital, as CNN reported.

The problems of Caracas are not only drug trade and gang battles, but also increasing poverty of the city inhabited by around 4 million people. Murders mainly take place in the capital's poorest areas - between 1970s and 1990s the poverty rate increased by 300% to 65%. Although during the oil boom the economic situation improved, the poverty level remains very high.
Moreover, experts underline that the murder ratio has increased by 67% since President Chavez took control over the country. There is police abuse, no gun control, and no good control over the militias, as various media report.

2. Ciudad Juárez. Mexico

130 killings per 100 000 residents

Ciudad Juarez and El Paso.
Also Mexico, one of the world's greatest travel destinations thanks to its fascinating history and stunning natural sites, is, unfortunately, facing a serious problem of robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault and drug-related crimes.
Among worst affected areas in the country is the Chihuahua state and, above all, Ciudad Juárez. The city located across the U.S and Mexican border, home to 1.5 million people, has recently got a very bad reputation due to its shocking rates of violence. Bloody and violent fighting between the drug cartels have spread across the town, posing a serious threat to locals and travelers.
Ciudad Juarez.
Since January 2007 there have been 8330 drug-related murders reported in Mexico, of which 50% accounted for Ciudad Juárez. The city reports 130 murders per 100,000 inhabitants (as of August 2009), which is currently the world's highest murder rate ( outside the official war zone). In February 2009 the U.S. State Department announced that since January 2008 there had been 1,800 people killed in the city.

1. Mogadishu. Somalia. 

No data

Displaced people fleeing from Mogadishu.
The governments' warnings about traveling to Somalia are unanimous: this African country remains extremely dangerous and there is an enormous risk to anyone's security due to the threat of terrorism, clan-based and ethnic fighting as well as high level of kidnapping and piracy off the coast.
The epicenter of these brutal crimes and cruelty is Mogadishu, Somalia's capital. The city has been devastated by the ongoing civil war. As of 2008, around half of the city's population (0.5 million) have left the war-torn capital, according to the United Nations. Dozens of people are wounded every day in Mogadishu, and frequent bombings kill many of civilians. No one really knows how many people have been killed in the city, but without dispute Mogadishu remains the most lawless and dangerous city in the world. This is how BBC describes the everyday scenes in Mogadishu: "The crump of mortars; the crackle of gunfire; eerily empty streets; prowling guerrillas and looters; sprawling refugee camps; hospitals overflowing with casualties, their bodies smashed open by bullets, shells and shrapnel...".
Since the overthrowing of President Siad Barre in 1991 one million people have lost lives in Somalia due to the civil war and famine.

World's Most and Best-Wired Cities

The world is wired. Whether you can imagine life without the Net or not, the truth is that today's modern societies would plunge into chaos (at least for some time) without it. Still only several cities in the world can boast ubiquitous Internet access. See the world's most connected cities where the Internet is almost as available as the air. 


6. Tallinn. Estonia

Tallinn, the capital of one of the Europe's tiniest countries - Estonia, has one of the best Internet services on the European continent and it is the best-connected country in the Eastern Europe. It's hard to believe that the medieval center of the town, with its cobblestone picturesque streets, dozens of churches, historic ruins, cafes and boutiques, is actually a cyber city. The wireless connection is available, virtually, in every corner of this ancient town and it is almost always free of charge.
Estonians are crazy about the Internet to such an extent that free Net access is a basic right guaranteed by the parliament. All schools, universities and public offices have free Internet connection, more than 90% of all bank transactions are e-transactions, the Estonians vote and pay taxes online, and Tallinn's citizens buy bus passes and pay parking tickets via text messages. The WiFi is also free on commuter trains. The country might well be renamed E-stonia.
WiFi in Tallinn.

5. Seattle. The USA.

Seattle by night.
Stylish Seattle, beautifully located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, is the country's top spot in terms of the Internet access. According to Forbes.com that surveyed 30 American cities, Seattle has been the most broadband-connected city in the USA in 2009: it has the highest percentage of Internet users with high-speed connections and the largest number of public wireless spots. In the Forbes' annual ranking Seattle has dethroned Atlanta, which held the title of the most-connected American city in 2007 and 2008.
The city, home to Amazon.com and Microsoft, has been working hard to become the most wired city in the USA. In 2005 the City of Seattle launched a seattlewifi pilot project providing free Internet in the Columbia City, the University District, the City Hall lobby area, and Seattle's four downtown parks. In 2006 14,400 different users accessed the seatlewifi, while in 2008 the number increased to over 20,000.
Seattle's WiFi on bus.

4. Hong Kong. China.

Hong Kong.
Hong Kong, the Chinese metropolis, leading financial center and one of the biggest concentrations of corporate headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region, features, not surprisingly, one of the world's highest broadband household penetration boasting a rate of 72%. In 2013, 80% of Hong Kong households are expected to be wired up for broadband Internet, as Gartner, an IT research company, reported.  
The Hong Kong's leading and most innovative provider of fast connections is Hong Kong Broadband Network. It offers the Internet access up to 1Gbps, broadband TV service, and broadband phone services. As a result, Hong Kong's Internet is fast, stable and really cheap. HKBN provides symmetric 100Mbps unlimited broadband access for US$34 per month.
Free WiFi in Hong Kong.

3. Singapore.

Singapore, the small Asian city-state, is the fifth wealthiest country in the world, and one of the Four Asian Tigers (along Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan). It is also one of the world's most-connected cities with a super-developed telecommunications infrastructure. The broadband technology has been strongly promoted and supported by the government - access to broadband connection is one of the main themes of the Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) program, a 10-year master plan.
Currently, the broadband household penetration rate totals to 63%, and it is expected to reach 78% in 2013, according to Gartner. In turn, Point Topic broadband communications research company states that more than 90% of Singapore's households have some form of the broadband Internet connection and this will reach almost 100% in 2010. Moreover, the city is dotted with WiFi hotspots, and WiMax network can be found in the seaport.
The iN2015 plan aims to build a national network called Next Gen NBN that will deliver ultra high broadband of 1Gbps to all households and public institutions as well as a Wireless Broadband Network (WBN) around the city.
Free WiFi in Singapore.

2. Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

Europe's most laid-back city, Amsterdam, is the most connected city in Western Europe and one of the most wired global metropolises. You can basically use the Internet while riding your bike and even if you venture into the most lonesome corners of the town.
In 2008 Worldmax launched Wimax, on-the-go broadband Internet, in the city. At first it was only for PC users, but in June 2009 the Aerea service has been added, which allows MAC users enjoy the wireless broadband Internet everywhere. The Wimax is available for city's residents for only €9.95 per month, and visitors can buy a day, a week or a month prepaid balance.

Moreover, the country boats Europe's highest penetration of household broadband connection of 80% and in 2013 the penetration rate is to increase to 88%.
Amsterdam. By Michell Zappa Amsterdam.

1. Seoul. South Korea.

The Internet is practically everywhere in Seoul, the futuristic capital of South Korea and a cradle for global largest telecommunication and technology companies such as LG, Samsung and KT Corporation. The city, inhabited by around 10 million people, is one of the world's largest metropolises and one of the most technologically advanced infrastructures. Seoul is ranked first on the Digital Opportunity Index, with the highest broadband Internet penetration. It has an 83% household penetration rate, and the rate is expected to grow up to 93% in 2013, according to Gartner's recent report.
Seoul is the only city in the world that can boast DMB, a digital mobile TV technology and WiBro, as well as a wireless high-speed mobile Internet service. The city's 100MBps connection is to be upgraded to 1Gbps in 2012, which is ten times faster than the current service, and wireless broadband will also be ten times faster, offering 10Mbps service by 2012. 

Most Friendliest Nations On Planet Earth

There is no scientific way to measure friendliness as it is a very personal impression. Still there are some nations that boast the title of the friendliest, most welcoming or most hospitable people in the world. Whether various surveys and rankings are right or not, each of us has probably visited one or two countries where the locals' kindness has exceeded our expectations.

See below a few examples of the friendliest peoples in the world:

5. Georgians

Georgian women. By Henning(i)
How not to feel welcomed in the country where people believe that guests come from God? Georgia, a tiny Caucasus state, is famed for its staggering beauty, unspoiled destinations, laid-back atmosphere, and above all, its good humored and high spirited people. The Georgians are naturally kind and generous and their hospitality is never annoying. You can expect to be treated like a king while visiting a Georgian home, just don't refuse a glass of wine to toast - that's what your host could consider quite rude.

4. Iranians

Outdoor cafe in Teheran, Iran. By tomallen
Iran's most precious jewel is its people. Lonely Planet calls them warm and fascinating people, and Will Hide, a London-based travel journalist writing for the Times, has concluded after returning from his trip to Iran that this country has the friendliest people in the world. The hospitality of ever-smiling Iranians is sincere and simple - they are always eager to help travelers, offer a cup of tea, pay for your lunch or invite home for dinner.

3. Canadians

Winter in Toronto, Canada. By somebody Winter in Toronto, Canada. By somebody
According to the 2008 Nation Brand Index (created by Anholt and GfK Roper research agencies) that measures the world's perception of 50 nations by interviewing 20,000 adults from 20 countries, the friendliest nation in the world is Canada. This scientific approach to friendliness may seem a bit formal, but indeed, the Canadians are really quite hospitable and kind people. Lonely Planet even wonders how everyone can be so nice, given the weather. Living in the world's coldest country may be hard, but being ever-friendly despite the freezing cold is truly worthy of honors.

2. Australians

Latte. By su-lin
Friendly "G'day mate", "no worries", and a big smile offered by a total stranger in the street are guaranteed in Australia. Aussies are extremely laid-back and easygoing people, and their positive thinking mixed with the open minded attitude make travelers really feel at home in this remote country. The risk of feeling lonely while traveling alone throughout Australia is really low and you can meet many locals eager to share the pint or the latte with you. Therefore, it is hardly a surprise that Australia ranked second on the Nation Brand Index list.

1. The Irish

St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. By twinxamot
In its Bluelist 2008 book, Lonely Planet nominated Ireland to the rank of the friendliest country in the world. Stirring up the discussion whether the Irish are less or more friendly than Iranians or Canadians is rather pointless, but the truth is that the Irish are sweet and kind people. They do complain about the weather, economic turndown and high prices, but in fact they are good-natured and likable people, ready to help the traveler anytime. Despite the weather, the agreeable nature of the inhabitants and Ireland's mind-blowing landscapes make the country one of the world's best travel destinations.

So what do you say? Do you agree, or would you put some other nations on your personal list of the friendliest nationalities?

Most Expensive Cities for Expats and Travelers in The World

Two weeks in one of these cities could actually financially ruin you if you are a low budget traveler. Note that moving to one of the world's biggest metropolises in Asia and Europe could also be quite challenging as the costs of living in the largest cities of Japan, China or Switzerland go, most probably, far beyond what you imagine you could live on. 

According to the Mercer's 2009 Cost of Living survey, the metropolises of Asia and Europe are the world's most expensive cities for expatriates, though New York can also be found on the top ten list. Mercer, a financial services consulting firm, has surveyed 143 cities worldwide and measured costs of around 200 items such as housing, food, entertainment or transport.
The global crisis and currency fluctuations have dramatically influenced the cost of living in the world's largest cities. Still, the expats and travelers are lured to these cities by the prospects of good jobs, fascinating nightlife and great cultural life.
See where life costs truly a lot, accommodation is unbelievably expensive and beer is so over-priced in bars that you may think twice before you get one. 

10th Singapore.

What else to expect from the world's fifth healthiest nation? Singapore, a cosmopolitan and diverse Asian city-state, is inhabited by around 5 million people. It has been ranked the tenth most expensive city in the world not only by Mercer but also by the Economist Intelligence Unit, another research and advisory company. It climbed three places from the 13th position on the Mercer's list in 2008.

9th Beijing. China.

Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China and one of the country's largest metropolises, moved up from 20th position in 2008 to 9th in 2009. It is one of the fastest developing cities in the entire country. The city's most important industry is finance - in 2007 the revenue generated by this sector accounted for 11.6% of the total financial industry revenue in China.

8th New York. The USA.

 New York.
New York, used by Mercer as the base city for the survey (all cities are compared against it), joined the top 10 list climbing up from the 22nd place in 2008 due to the strengthening of the US dollar. The high cost of living in the city is mainly caused by the extremely high prices of housing. New York's rents are almost double that of Los Angeles, which is the second most expensive city in the USA and 23rd in the worldwide ranking.

7th Copenhagen. Denmark.

It seems almost immoral that Copenhagen, such a tiny and calm city (in comparison to world's other most over-priced cities), is so expensive. The capital of Denmark is home to around 1.2 million people that consider themselves, despite the prices, the happiest people in the world. The city, although small when compared with Tokyo or New York, is the country's financial center and the main economic hub in the whole Scandinavian-Baltic region.

6th Zurich and 4th Geneva. Switzerland.

Something would be wrong with the Mercer's research if Swiss cities weren't on the top ten list of the world's most costly metropolises. But of course they are. Zurich is sixth and Geneva fourth on the list, and they have moved up from eight and ninth positions in 2008 respectively. Switzerland, with a nominal per capita GDP of $67,384 that exceeds the GDP of Japan, is one of the richest countries in the world. Still, in contrast to Denmark, where taxes eat half of Danes' salaries, Switzerland has one of the smallest taxation systems among the developed countries and quite a flexible job market.

5. Hong Kong

Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is the most booming city in Asia. It is a leading financial center and one of the Four Asian Tigers. Its territory is very small - 1,054 km2 (407 sq mi) - but inhabited by around 7 million people. Therefore, the cost of housing has a potential to consume a major part of your salary. The prices of food and drinks are also quite high in comparison to mainland China so visiting the city may seriously strain your travel budget.

3. Moscow. Russia.

Moscow, the city of contrast and the hub of New Russia, is the world's third most expensive metropolis to move to. Tokyo has knocked Moscow off the top place, though in 2007 and 2008 the Russian capital was the most costly city according to Mercer. Again, the culprit of high cost is accommodation, which is most expensive among all European cities.
In 2008, Moscow had 74 billionaires while New York had 71. However, in 2009, there are only 27 billionaires in the city due to the global crisis and weakening of the rouble.

1th Tokyo and 2th Osaka. Japan.

Two Japanese cities - Osaka and Tokyo - occupy the second and the first places respectively on the world's most expensive cities list. The Japanese capital has the highest cost of living due to the strengthening of the Japanese yen. While locals have got used to paying astronomical prices for everything from fruit ($25 for a mango) to rents that may exceed several thousand US dollars for a two bedroom apartment in Tokyo, the expats and visitors might be quite shocked paying $11 for a pint. Tokyo is nearly three times as expensive as Johannesburg, the world's cheapest city (143rd) on the Mercer's list.

Aruba, Jamaica, Ooooh I Wanna Take Ya...

Try as they might to deny it, everybody has hummed it at least once. The odds are high, too, that we all know the chorus by heart. The question is: does Kokomo really exist? And even if it does, how much do you have to loosen your purse strings to be part of it without passing as a cheapskate?

Just in case you don't seem to remember what we're looking at here, or even more urgently if you've never heard the piece, here it is to put you in the mood for sun-kissed beaches, swaying palm trees, laid-back afternoons and dawn-to-dusk parties with tropical drinks pouring like water.

Blame it on my radical sense of aestheticism or relative youth, but I do believe certain songs should only be performed up to a certain age. And although the silver-haired gentlemen did manage to fire my lust for gold-glittering sands, I feel a little awkward about them wanting to take me places I associate purely with loads of nudity and not much restraint. Now, is there a less astronomical price to be paid for that speck of Caribbean paradise than the company of a beach boy?


Afternoon delight Afternoon delight.

Not the cheapest place to go with family in tow, Aruba is a destination where dollars add up fast if you don't keep an eye on the ball. Cocktails can range from $8.00 and up each, a lot of entrees start at $30, plus you will find a 15% service charge on your restaurant bill in the majority of cases. The 43-mile long coast hosts some of the best, all-encompassing hotels in the whole Caribbean, with The Radisson Aruba Resort as the superstar in terms of comfort... and pocket draining (between $400 and $700 for a double depending on season).

Excuse me, how much? Excuse me, how much?

The good news is that even here, if you're able to curb your taste for luxury, quasi-budget deals are to be found. If you fill up on a good buffet breakfast for around $10, you can skip lunch and go straight to a late dinner of burger and fries for another $10 or so. Alternatively, look for the catch of the day if fast food is not your thing or hit the grocery store to make it even cheaper. This way or the other, $40 pp a day is what you need to be ready for if heavy slimming effect is not intended. Accommodation may be affordable, too, if opulence is not your priority, but don't expect anything cheaper than $60 dollars for a studio in a motel.


A mask for you, sir? A mask for you, sir?
Jamaica is not only the place to smoke the best pot, bounce to the rhythm of a steel drum band, and get the original rasta cap. Above all, it's a perfect setting for a blissful romance, ideally to get ablaze in the privately owned Sandals Royal Caribbean Resort in Montego Bay.

Montego Bay Montego Bay.

The very city has its quaint charm of an honest-to-goodness tourism capital, but a truly romantic spot floats right off shore, and although it is today known as Sandals Cay, it used to be called Kokomo. But is it the Kokomo we're looking for? Well, much as the island's charm is able to inspire songs, it worked the other way round, and it is in fact the 1988 hit that yielded the place its original name. Anyway, rooms overlooking the emerald infinity, swim-up pool bars, secluded beaches, and 4 gourmet restaurants can be yours for the average $450. And if it's the scenery not showy offy comfort that makes your day on holiday, Montego Bay is full of $50-100 deals up for grabs, let alone myriad budget options all over Jamaica.

Getting away from it all.

Florida Keys                                                  

Just look at those 1700 or so coral islets scattered off shore of Florida like pearls over a stretch of emerald fabric. What a setting for a summer romance!

Off the Florida Keys
Off the Florida Keys.

The islet that gets an honorable mention in the song is Key Largo, which, as a matter of fact, needs no advertising, with the world's largest artificial reef on offer. Hotels are plentiful, with bargain rates boiling down to even $100, but don't expect all too many budget deals. Alternatively, a campsite at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park will cost you around $35. That's fun! And you don't have to really bother with food rates. With so many dining options and boatfulls of seafood, you will find all kinds of price ranges from $3-10 to $20-40.

Perfecting chemistry.

Now, just in case you forgot... off the Florida Keys there's a place called Kokomo, and to be more specific, there is a beach bar on the picturesque island of Islamorada. This fishing capital of the world is a perfect setting for all kinds of water related endeavors and the bar itself offers some unforgettable moments composed of vibrant music, warm sand under your feet, tropical drinks with colorful umbrellas, and the sea humming in the background. Could this possibly inspire a song? Nobody really knows. Anyway, Islamorada is not the cheapest of islands and hotel accommodations usually run from $150 up, but if you look well and agree to stay rough, less that $80 rates are to be found as well.

Islamorada - so this is it?


Oh Bermuda! A gleaming jewel of the Caribbean with pink sands, emerald waves, exquisite Town of St George and sunset boat cruises to convince you that heaven does exist on earth. There's so much to keep you in a trance that only ice-cold Rum Swizzles can bring you round.

Tropical drinks melting in your hand Tropical drinks melting in your hand.

It tends to be costly, that's for sure, but with accommodations ranging from the superb resorts and charming inns, where you get a super-romantic four poster bed for more or less $150, to quiet guest houses that sprinkle the coast, Bermuda vacation is doable even for a budget-conscious traveler. Because virtually everything except fish is imported, food prices may be a bit of a nuisance, too, but as long as you stick to seafood, you pocket shouldn't suffer all too much. Lunch/dinner main courses are anything from $6 at Chinese bars to $60 for French delicacies.

Horseshoe Bay.

The Bahamas                                                

If you've ever wondered where the major league celebs retire to from Hollywood, the answer is as easy as pie: the Bahamas. Obviously, the direct conclusion is that if Sean Connery or Chuck Norris die to own a piece of this heavenly land, it's certainly too holy for us, ordinary men in the streets, to run around.

Defying gravity.

Surely, the whole country has a reputation for being one huge rip-off, and just getting in a taxi will claim $10, let alone food and accommodation. A decent sit down dinner will easily swallow 75$, and the cheapest, basic accommodations start at $50. Of course, the further you get from the glossy resorts, the more affordable things become, but why do you come over to the Bahamas if not for luxury? Generally speaking, be prepared for a major letdown if you're opting for budget vacation.

Falling in love to the rhythm of a band?


Called the rum capital of the world and the island of lovers, Martinique is as good for wild partying as for passionate romance. The world's finest distilleries abut pineapple plantations and tiny fishing villages spread along spellbinding beaches. And believe it or not, this Caribbean piece of heaven doesn't call for particularly sizable wads of dollars.

Putting out to sea.

With a staggering array of dining options and relatively low prices, every budget will surely be catered for and not a single stomach will rumble. Top-notch restaurants, copious street side eateries and beach stands - the only problem with food here is making a choice. As for hotels, decent doubles are to be gotten for around $60, which is not much considering all the fun that awaits outside.

Bodies in the sand.


After the Soufrière Hills volcano decided to turn the fabulous island into a miserable heap of ash, Montserrat is far from what you would call romantic. Yet the partly reconstructed airport sees more and more arrivals, which is what the islanders need more than ever before. The flip side of it all, if you pardon brutal honesty, is that post-eruption Montserrat is a particular bargain for tourists, with accommodations available even for as little as $25.

Montserrat mystique Montserrat mystique.


Port-au-Prince must have particularly suited the rhythmical pattern of the song for the reasons why it was included in the lyrics do not seem manifold. With an average of 35 kidnappings a week and frequent occurrences of public unrest, the city was to be avoided until recently. The fact remains, however, that Port-au-Prince has this unique kind of vibe powered with music and art that somehow makes it authentic.

A glimpse of Port-au-Prince.

So, if you're thinking of a thrilling ride on board of a colorful tap tap, be prepared for surprisingly high costs of living, with an entree at a modest restaurant costing around $5, and food from street vendors up to half that much. As far as accommodation is concerned, there are no dirt cheap deals either, with a rough double in the cheapest centrally located hotel for around $40.

On this Haitian note, let's top it all off with another go, shall we? Aruba, Jamaica ooo I wanna take ya...


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